17 Stories Abidemi Entertainment Unit for TVs up to 60""
This entertainment centre consists of a TV lowboard and a wall shelf. It comes disassembled with simple assembly instructions. The new items are packaged originally. It is brown and black in colour with a metal frame. It is modern in style. The wall shelf measures 35cm W x 82cm H x 20cm D. It is made of high-quality particleboard. The Epica entertainment centre features metal feet. It is time for a breath of fresh air in your home. This TV stand, from 17 Stories, is sure to delight those who love modern design. The entertainment unit not only features an inspiring timeless look, but it's also practical, versatile and user friendly, with an original style. This is the perfect piece to give your home a great new look. The high-quality black metal feet of the TV lowboard provide it with stability. Despite its small size, this item offers plenty of space to store your everyday essentials. Are you looking for something special? Then look no further than this eye-catching piece. The piece requires assembly. Accessories are not included. Simple, easy-to-follow assembly instructions are included. The well-thought-out design makes it quick and easy to assemble. It should be cleaned with a damp cotton cloth. Do not use any harsh or abrasive household cleaning products. The surface can be treated with furniture polish if required.
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