One of the most prestigious tennis tournaments in the world, it attracts the crème de la crème of tennis to New York every year, where epic duels and unforgettable moments unfold on the famous hard court.Get your outfit now!Adidas Z.N.E. Sweat JacketPerfect for sports and leisureThe Adidas Z.N.E. Sweat Jacket offers the perfect combination of style and functionality for any sporting occasion. This sweat jacket is characterized by a comfortable fit and a modern design that impresses both during training and in your free time. Made from breathable, moisture-wicking material, it ensures that you stay dry and comfortable even during intensive activities. The sweat jacket offers optimum freedom of movement and is ideal for fitness, running and other sporting activities.Highlights:Comfortable fit: Offers a high level of comfort and unrestricted freedom of movement.Breathable material: Keeps you dry during training.Modern design: Stylish and versatile, perfect for sport and leisure.
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