Jd Williams Autumn Mocha Bouquet
We've created a contemporary chic bouquet full of autumn splendour using pretty Peach roses and Germini. The bouquet is beautifully presented in contrasting florist wraps. Your bouquet is sent complete with flower food and care instructions and a card containing your personalised message. If you require next day delivery, your order must be placed by 1.30pm. Once you’ve placed your order we’ll send you a link via text message and/or e.mail. Please click the link and choose your required delivery date. If you require next day delivery, you must confirm your delivery date (via the link) by 4pm. If you do not confirm your required delivery date via the text or e.mail link, your order will be automatically scheduled for delivery after 3 working days. Before placing your order, please check your account settings to ensure that you have a valid email address and/or mobile phone number.
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