Bestway Pool Heater
ColourNo Colour
5 Stores
Price Tracked On This Product
Highest price was seen £134.99 on 02 Jun 2023
Lowest price was seen £75.99 on 13 Jul 2023
Average price is £93.81 base on 7 price changes
Most recent price is £89.00
[[{"meta":"27 May 2023","value":129.99},{"meta":"30 May 2023","value":127.99},{"meta":"02 Jun 2023","value":134.99},{"meta":"13 Jul 2023","value":75.99},{"meta":"02 Apr 2024","value":127.99},{"meta":"03 May 2024","value":119.99},{"meta":"07 May 2024","value":89}]]
The Bestway pool heater is simple and effective to warm up water in your swimming pool. The pool heater is powered through an electrical outlet. It comes with two hoses and attachments, one of which connects the heater to a filter pump and the other to a pool. Water is pumped into the heater via the filter pump, warmed up as it passes through and then pumped back into the pool. The heater is compatible with pools measuring 15ft or smaller (water volume of 400-500gal) and filter pumps or sand filters with a flow rate of 1,000 gal/hr (3,785L). Depending on pool size and water temperature the heater can take anywhere from 12 hours to three days to reach your desired temperature.
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