Beurer MG800 Fascia Releazer
Fasciae are fine, tough connective tissue fibres that pass through our entire body like a three-dimensional network. They are important for suppleness, strength and coordination. However, fasciae may shorten and harden if they are not used on a regular basis. The Beurer MG800 Fascia-ReleaZer rejuvenates and regenerates the muscle fasciae tissue, using deep vibration massage. A patented innovation, the beurer MG800 fascia-releazer increases suppleness and mobility, and helps to restore muscle tissue. By using the fascia-releazer , you can increase and speed up the regenerative capacity of muscle tissue. The stimulation also allows new nutrients to reach the cells and makes it easier to transport away waste. In this way, the tissue is replaced and the elasticity and resilience of the tissue in the treated area are improved. Made with solid wood and with non-slip grips and soft-touch surface. Includes application DVD. Rechargeable.
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