BFI Ken Loach Collection: Riff Raff
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Lowest price was seen £24.29 on 26 Sep 2018
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[[{"meta":"26 Sep 2018","value":24.29},{"meta":"20 Feb 2019","value":24.99}]]
KEN LOACH COLLECTION (3-disc Blu-ray Set) This new collection brings together three of Ken Loach's finest films from the 1990s, titles linked by the director's career long drive to tackle social injustice and contemporary political issues. In Riff Raff Glaswegian jailbird Stevie (Robert Carlyle) heads to London to find work but discovers a world of corruption and degradation. Inner-city poverty is brought to the fore in Raining Stones, as unemployed Bob's (Bruce Jones) desperate attempts to afford a communion dress for his daughter results in a succession of disasters. Inspired by real events, Ladybird Ladybird is an emotional and harrowing story of a woman's fight to keep her children and relationship intact in the face of bureaucratic interference. Special Features: Fully illustrated booklet with new writing on the film and full credits Other extras TBC UK | 1991 - 1994 | colour | 90 + 90 + 102 mins | English language, with optional hard-of-hearing subtitles | cert 18
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