Carex Oshimensis Evergold 3 Litre Potted Plant x 2
A sun-loving ornamental grass with evergreen, slender leaves etched in green and gold. Thompson & Morgan Carex Evergold can also be planted into shade, where it will brighten up a dark corner. Thompson Carex Evergold is excellent for rock gardens, border edging, patio pots or for planting in gravel as well as being ideal for ground cover, low maintenance gardens and alpine and rockery gardens. Plant Carex into any moist, but well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. Ideal for patio containers, mixed with flowering plants of any colour. When planting into pots, use a John Innes No.3. soil mixture. Thompson & Morgan Carex are very easy to maintain, simply comb out any dead and browning foliage during the summer. Lift and divide overcrowded clumps in spring. Ideal For: Patio, Ground Cover, Cottage Gardens, Alpine & Rockery, Low Maintenance Gardens Hardiness: Hardy Position In: Sun or Semi-Shade Height: Up to 30cm (11.8in) Spread: Up to 35cm (13.8in) Ease of Growing: Easy for All Ease of Aftercare: Easy for All Features: Ornamental Grass Evergreen, slender leaves Easy to grow Ideal for rock gardens and pots Specifications: Model Number: T66595P
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