Channel 4 Set Fire to the Stars
Zavvi - The Home of Pop CultureInspired by a true story...Set in 1950's New York and starring Elijah Wood as John Malcolm Brinnin, the aspiring young American poet who finds his ordered world shaken when he embarks on a week-long retreat to save his hell raising hero, Dylan Thomas, played by Celyn Jones.Directed by BAFTA-nominated director, Andy Goddard this visually stunning film, shot entirely in black and white monochrome, is a cautionary tale about meeting your heroes, the dirty business of celebrity and about what may have happened in an East Coast boathouse when an earnest ingénue shared cabin space with his idol, the greatest living poet of the twentieth century.Special Features- Deleted Scenes- Dylan Thomas Poems - ‘And Death Shall Have No Dominion', If I Were Tickled by the Rub of Love', and ‘In My Craft or Sullen Art' ready by Celyn Jones, ‘Love In The Asylum' read by the cast- Gruff In Metropolis
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