Compaq HP - Power cable - IEC 320 EN 60320 C13
Price Tracked On This Product
Highest price was seen £10.44 on 04 Aug 2017
Lowest price was seen £7.68 on 07 Aug 2017
Average price is £8.22 base on 3 price changes
Most recent price is £10.44
[[{"meta":"04 Aug 2017","value":10.44},{"meta":"07 Aug 2017","value":7.68},{"meta":"01 Sep 2017","value":10.44}]]
Information technology professionals rely on HP quality to ensure maximum productivity. As the power of applications, processors, memory adapters and storage devices increases, high-end computer users are seeking ways to optimize their system performance. HP provides leading solutions, adding new levels of performance, availability, flexibility, and management.
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