Etsy - CalligraphybyKayW The Law Of The Jungle
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Highest price was seen £9.99 on 25 Apr 2024
Lowest price was seen £8.49 on 26 Aug 2024
Average price is £8.78 base on 3 price changes
Most recent price is £9.99
[[{"meta":"25 Apr 2024","value":9.99},{"meta":"26 Aug 2024","value":8.49},{"meta":"29 Aug 2024","value":9.99}]]
Introducing 'The Law of the Jungle' - an excerpt from the timeless poem by Rudyard Kipling, found in 'The Jungle Book.' These verses encapsulate the ancient wisdom of the wild, a law as enduring as the vast expanse of the sky: 'Now this is the Law of the Jungle as old & as true as the sky; & the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the Wolf that shall break it must die. Wash daily from nose-tip to tail-tip; drink deeply, but never too deep; & remember the night is for hunting, & forget not the day is for sleep. The Jackal may follow the Tiger, but, Cub, when thy whiskers are grown, remember the Wolf is a Hunter go forth & get food of thine own. Keep peace with the Lords of the Jungle the Tiger, the Panther, & Bear. & trouble not Hathi the Silent, & mock not the Boar in his lair. When Pack meets with Pack in the Jungle, & neither will go from the trail, lie down till the leaders have spoken it may be fair words shall prevail. As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk the Law runneth forward & back for the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, & the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.' These timeless verses, presented in elegant calligraphy, are not just words but a reflection of the profound harmony between nature & its inhabitants, echoing the strength & unity that binds us together. The original handwritten design is scanned at a high resolution to produce a flawless white or ivory, A4 or A5 copy. Thank you for your interest! The Law Of The Jungle, Wall Art, Decor, Handwritten Poem, Poem Print, Rudyard Kipling
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