Etsy - MadewithloveRO Wool Handwoven Yellow Rug Romanian Rug. Teppich. Tapis Roumain. Romania

Etsy UK £150.24 Go to Etsy UK First seen in Apr 2024
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Highest price was seen £170.54 on 22 Apr 2024
Lowest price was seen £135.41 on 15 Apr 2024
Average price is £137.43 base on 8 price changes
Most recent price is £150.24
Wool handwoven rug Romanian rug. Teppich. Tapis roumain. Romania Very good condition, never been used. 200x127cm in that part of Romania, years ago, every mom handmade for her daughters beautiful carpets & rugs as dot for their weddings. I grown up with this: every winter, at my grandmother' s house, women from the village, neighbors & relatives, spend the evenings & those long winter nights together, working on beautiful wool rugs or other handmade items. Nowadays the art of handcrafting rugs is almost extinguished. Now, we are trying to discover & put into the modern design context these beauties. This is our story. Tapis roumain fait la main Oltenia. Nous rcouvrons de vieux tapis roumains de la rgion d'Oltenia pour les ramener dans vos maisons. Tapis kilim, Tapis vintage. Rumnischer Teppich aus Wolle, Handwerk aus Oltenien. Wir entdecken alte Teppiche mit aufwndigen, vielen unterschiedlichen Mustern im Sden Rumniens und bringen sie wieder auf den Markt. Kelim mit geometrischen Motiven, die sich in ein modernes, minimalistisches Design integrieren lassen, oder blumig, aufwendiger Designs, um eine vielseitige, Bhmische unkonventionelle Umgebung zu schaffen. Tapetto rumeno di lana, lavorato a mano nella regione del Oltenia. Proponiamo sul mercato riscoperti tapetti tradizionali dalle ricercate trame, manufatti rari che affondano le loro radici nel passato della zona meridionale della Romania. Kilim dalle trame geometriche che ben si sposano con un design moderno e minimalista o in alternativa, da complessi temi floreali per creare un ambiente dal sapore eclettico e bohmien. Covor romanesc, lucrat de mana in Oltenia. Descoperim si repunem in circuit covoare vechi romanesti din zona Olteniei, chilimuri, scoarte si velinte. Povesti tesute care sa-si gaseasca un loc de cinste in casele dumneavoastra. Teppiche. Alfombras. Tappetto. Bessarabian rugs Wool Handwoven Yellow Rug Romanian Rug. Teppich. Tapis Roumain. Romania
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