Studio Frontline Spot On Liquid for Large Dogs
Frontline Spot On for dogs 20 to 40 kg. Dogs can pick up fleas and ticks wherever they explore. Prepare them for adventure with the protection of Frontline Spot On. Use monthly and provide a first line defence for fleas and ticks. Kills fleas within 24 hours• Kills ticks within 48 hours helping to reduce the risk of tick-borne disease• Kills liceHow to protect your dog• Use monthly throughout the year for continuous flea and tick protection• Make sure all cats and dogs in your home are treated regularlyHow to treat a home infestation• Follow the 2 steps above as well as the 2 steps below• Use a household flea treatment to kill eggs and larvae already in the home• Regularly vacuum your carpets and furnishingsChecklist for using the product
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