Sweater Graphic GRAW features a straight fit with a ribbed neckline and cuffs. An outlined GRAW graphic is printed at the chest. The G-Star RAW print at the lower sleeve completes it. Ribbed round neckline,Long sleeves, straight inset- ribbed cuffs,Straight hem- ribbed edge,Graphic RAW print at the chest,G-Star RAW print at the lower sleeve This soft sweat fabricoffers a looped terry interior, which remains unbrushed to create a wicking feature. Soft knitted sweat fabric,Unbrushed, terry looped inside,60% Cotton, 40% Polyester (Recycled),By buying cotton products from G-Star Raw, you're supporting more sustainable cotton farming through the Better Cotton Initiative. Better Cotton is sourced via a system of Mass Balance. Find out more about our sustainable materials"about our sustainable materials.”,Recycled polyester is produced from post-consumer or post-industrial waste materials such as PET plastic bottles and apparel. Material that would otherwise have been sent to landfill or to incineration. Bright Billet Green
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