Coopers of Stortford Illuminating Glass Kettle 1.7 litre
Everyone will love watching water boil with bubbling blue light, but theres more to this glass kettle than meets the eye! Fill it to capacity and enjoy up to 7 generous cups of tea from one boil; add just enough water (using the easy-read capacity markings) and make yourself a single, energy-efficient cuppa.One-touch opening ensures easy fill-ups, and a removable, washable filter improves water quality and reduces limescale build-up. A 360° swivel base with concealed cord storage keeps work surfaces neat and tidy, and makes it suitable for left or right-handers. Automatic switch-off when boiled plus boil-dry safety protection. 1850-2200W. 1.7L. H21.7 x 16.1 x 24.7cm. Cord L75cm.
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