Blackthorn Hedging Plants are fast growing and will quickly make a hedge on its own. It is more usually mixed in with other species such as hawthorn or hazel to make a mixed hedgerow. Beautiful snowy white flowers cover the plants in early spring giving way to dense foliage and then purple sloes in Autumn – loved by birds and perfect for Sloe Gin! Blackthorn is fast growing and forms a hedge with lots of tiny twigs and branches which provide support to other trees and plants. It makes a super natural habitat for birds, insects and small mammals. It is also extremely spiky so is always included in security hedging. Blackthorn also makes a beautiful small stand-alone tree and can grow to about 4m tall. It is fast growing. We recommend that you trim your blackthorn once a year in Autumn after the birds have finished nesting. Keep them well watered – especially in the Spring and Summer in the first year of planting. If you are not sure how many plants you need or which varieties suit your garden please just contact or call us and we will be happy to offer friendly advice! For best results plant with Rootgrow gel – it increases the growth rate by up to 50% and really helps the plants establish!.
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