KEMPHOR Clorhexidna Mouthwash 500ml
Price Tracked On This Product
Highest price was seen £7.03 on 22 Dec 2023
Lowest price was seen £6.94 on 18 Dec 2023
Average price is £6.93 base on 3 price changes
Most recent price is £6.95
[[{"meta":"18 Dec 2023","value":6.94},{"meta":"22 Dec 2023","value":7.03},{"meta":"18 Jan 2024","value":6.95}]]
If you want to know how Kemphor Chlorhexidine Mouthwash 500 ml can help you, here we explain how it works and what it does. It is made with the active ingredients necessary to prevent the appearance of bacterial plaque. It eliminates bad breath. It also eliminates the bacteria that cause plaque, gingivitis and bad breath. Ensures complete oral hygiene. Constant consumption or prolonged contact with foods that can cause discolouration of the teeth, such as wine, coffee and tobacco consumption, can cause discolouration of the teeth that can be eliminated with proper dental prophylaxis. All KEMPHOR products are tested and carefully chosen to offer the best results.Shop Online Kemphor Clorhexidna Mouthwash 500ml at best price. Product features: - Dental: Mouthwash
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