Hawkman from the Justice League Action series is now available as a no-nonsense, all-action action figure from the Justice League Action line. Designed to look like his animated counterpart, this 12 inch action figure has a detailed sculpt that makes it easy for young fans to recreate fight scenes from the television programme."Hawkman" is the name of a fictitious superhero that appears in American comic books published by the DC Comics imprint, as well as other media. The first appearance of the original Hawkman was in Flash Comics #1, which was released by All-American Publications in 1940 and was written by Gardner Fox and illustrated by Dennis Neville.Product SpecificationsAges: 3+Size: 30.5 x 10.4 x 5.5 cmMPN: FBR02-923E/FPC64Batteries: N/AWeight: 250 gEAN: 887961605914
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