The Harmony Guardians are poised for action, and...shiver me timbers! This Swashbuckler Pirate Airship, inspired by My Little Pony the Movie, detaches into a pirate ship, airship, and skiff so kids can imagine Rainbow Dash and the pirate ponies (Sold separately). Traveling by air, land, or sea is subject to availability.) During war play, deploy the twin sails, drop barrels from a hidden compartment, and fire projectiles from the cannons. Then, from the bow to the stern, transform the guns into engines! Clip figures together to zip about, and stash pirate booty in the treasure chest. A sword, treasure box, and spyglass are among the adventure accessories included with the Rainbow Dash figurine. On this flexible vehicle, imagine delivering thrilling tales!Product SpecificationsAges: 4+Size: 45.8 x 37.8 x 17.8 cmMPN: C1059Batteries: N/AWeight: 1900 gEAN: 5010993365579
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