NERF Mediator Barrel N-Strike Modulus Indoor and Outdoor Blaster
It's Nerf or nothing if you want the most exciting high-performance sporting action possible! With the Nerf N-Strike Modulus system of blasters, upgrade kits, gear attachments, and darts, you can construct and personalise your arsenal for any challenge or conflict. When battling players combine the Nerf Modulus Mediator Barrel with the Nerf Modulus Mediator Core, they are able to increase the firepower of their weapons (sold separately). There are more than one thousand different permutations that might occur using the whole Modulus system. (Upgrade kits for blasters and accessories are sold independently from one another) For an increase in their firepower in Nerf Modulus battles, Nerf Battlers can enhance their Mediator Core with the addition of the Mediator Barrel. The Mediator Barrel may be transformed into a blaster, providing players with an additional weapon that can unleash a three-dart burst if the intensity of the Nerf Modulus combat increases.Water guns, blasters and aids, we have everything you could want for a good Nerf war here at Maqio. Take a look today.
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