Nightsearcher NightSearcher SL1600 Rechargeable LED Searchlight
Price Tracked On This Product
Highest price was seen £53.99 on 07 Sep 2023
Lowest price was seen £47.98 on 15 Sep 2022
Average price is £48.38 base on 4 price changes
Most recent price is £53.99
[[{"meta":"15 Sep 2022","value":47.98},{"meta":"13 Oct 2022","value":49.19},{"meta":"09 Mar 2023","value":51.59},{"meta":"07 Sep 2023","value":53.99}]]
The NightSearcher SL1600 is a rechargeable LED spotlight torch, offering an impressive 1000 metre long range beam from 1600 lumen light output. The SL1600 has two different modes to choose from (High & Amber light). The amber flashlight light is for use in an emergency or for signalling. The body is made from robust material, making it both shock and water resistant. The handle is adjustable through 90º allowing a pistol grip for a searchlight application or a carry handle which is perfect for general usage.
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