Noble Objects Brown Black Beauty - Literary Candle
Price Tracked On This Product
Highest price was seen £53.00 on 17 Jun 2023
Lowest price was seen £51.00 on 04 May 2023
Average price is £51.37 base on 5 price changes
Most recent price is £52.00
[[{"meta":"28 Apr 2023","value":52},{"meta":"04 May 2023","value":51},{"meta":"15 May 2023","value":52},{"meta":"17 Jun 2023","value":53},{"meta":"02 Aug 2023","value":52}]]
Anna Sewell broke literary ground in writing Black Beauty, her only novel published by telling the story of a horses' life in the form of an autobiography and describing the world through the eyes of the horse. The Feeling is Believing scent will inspire along with Sewell's message of kindness and compassion, and putting ourselves in others' shoes. To feel and empathize what others go through, animal or people to end pain and suffering, and believing that kindness and love goes a long way. This
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