Studio Personalised Happy Christmas Bouquet with Ribbon
This beautiful bouquet features all of the traditional colours of Christmas and natural pine cones. Green Santini Chrysanthemums are a vibrant contrast to red carnations and roses and white Gypsophila and festive foliage. As a final finishing touch, we've included a personalised red satin ribbon.Each bouquet includes a gift card and flower food.Personalisation:• Message up to 3 lines, 50 characters per line (including spaces)• Mobile number: up to 11 digits (to arrange delivery)• Email address: up to 50 characters (to arrange delivery)Choose a delivery date:• To choose a delivery date you will need to provide a mobile number (must be 11 digits, starting 07) or email address (up to 50 characters).• Mobile number and/or email address will not be included in the personalisation on the gift card.• O...
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