Studio Personalised Indian Summer Bouquet
Roses in bright yellow, cerise and orange are offset by vibrant cerise Alstroemeria and nestled amongst feathery yellow Solidago. Hand tied by our florists and finished with complimentary wraps, this bouquet will be sent with flower food, care instructions and your personalised gift card.Personalisation:• Message up to 3 lines, 50 characters per line (including spaces) • Mobile number must be 11 digits - to arrange delivery• Email address up to 50 characters – to arrange delivery Choose a Delivery Date:• To choose a delivery date you will need to provide a mobile number (must be 11 digits, starting 07) or email address (up to 50 characters)• Mobile number &/or email address will not be included in the personalisation on the gift card• Once you have placed your order we will send you a text ale...
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