Studio Personalised Pastel Pink Gift Bouquet
A pink-themed bouquet that's sure to delight your Mum on Mother's Day and show her just how much you care. Each hand-tied bouquet features Chrysanthemums, Germini and Standard carnations. Your flowers are presented in a luxurious floral wrapping and sent with flower food, care instructions and a gift card.Personalisation:• Message up to 3 lines, 50 characters per line (including spaces)Choose a Delivery Date:• To choose a delivery date you will need to provide a mobile number (must be 11 digits, starting 07) or email address (up to 50 characters).• Mobile number &/or email address will not be included in the personalisation on the gift card.• Once you have placed your order we will send you a text alert &/or email where you can click to confirm your delivery date.• If you do not reply to the tex...
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