Q Connect Laptop Comp Cable Lock
Price Tracked On This Product
Highest price was seen £14.49 on 19 Feb 2019
Lowest price was seen £14.01 on 24 Feb 2019
Average price is £14.01 base on 2 price changes
Most recent price is £16.98
[[{"meta":"19 Feb 2019","value":14.49},{"meta":"24 Feb 2019","value":14.01}]]
Laptops are expensive and the last thing that you want to happen is for yours to be stolen. This Q-Connect cable lock is the perfect solution for you, giving you an easy way to protect your computer from theft. With a numerical lock, you can be sure that this lock can provide you with protection against people that are trying to steal your laptop. The cable is easy to install and is a simple step to protect your computer against criminals. Features Locking cable for the protection of your laptop Uses a numerical code for the lock, ensuring that only you can unlock it Flexible, 1.5m cable is perfect for all laptops Easily installed and simple to use High value alternative to branded products
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