Sleeveless blazer Sindhu is designed in a slim fit and offers a wide lapel collar with a single button closure. Cargo pockets are added to the waist and are finished with a button closure as well. The folded pleat at the shoulder seam adds detail. Wide lapel collar,Sleeveless,Waist pockets with a flap and button,Lined,Hanger loop inside neck,Button closure This lighter weight fabric is created out of a blend of fine cotton and linen. Thanks to the uneven structure of the linen fibers, this fabric features an irregular surface. Woven,77% Cotton, 23% Linen,By buying cotton products from G-Star Raw, you're supporting more sustainable cotton farming through the Better Cotton Initiative. Better Cotton is sourced via a system of Mass Balance. Find out more about our sustainable materials"about our sustainable materials.”,Linen is renewable and biodegradable natural fiber that normally does not require use of pesticides. Furthermore it uses less water and is stronger than conventional cotton.,Lining: 65% Polyester (Recycled), 35% Organic cotton,Recycled polyester is produced from post-consumer or post-industrial waste materials such as PET plastic bottles and apparel. Material that would otherwise have been sent to landfill or to incineration. Salute/Milk
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