About 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water…that’s a big place to find one fish!
Finding Nemo is an unforgettable tale (unless you’re Dory!) of a young clownfish with a desire to explore the ocean and a father’s brave search for his son. On this fin-tastic adventure, we meet many colourful and sofishticated characters and experience the ebb and flow of emoceans. But so you don’t turtle-y clam up there’s also four uplifting tunes to jig along to…shell we dance?!
Every Tonie is hand-painted, yet tough enough to be part of the fun not just on, but also off the box.
It magically...sorry, magnetically attaches to your Toniebox, allowing you to listen to something different every time. Just pop on another Tonie and quickly jump in between audiobooks, music or your own interactive audio adventures.
Good To Know: Finding Nemo has a running time of approximately 31 minutes.