UNIPHARMA Trietal® Atopic Ph5
Price Tracked On This Product
Highest price was seen £18.05 on 22 Dec 2023
Lowest price was seen £17.84 on 18 Jan 2024
Average price is £17.88 base on 3 price changes
Most recent price is £18.03
[[{"meta":"22 Dec 2023","value":18.05},{"meta":"18 Jan 2024","value":17.84},{"meta":"12 Feb 2024","value":18.03}]]
TRIETAL® ATOPIC, pH5TRIETAL ATOPIC, pH5 is a product with a high lubricating and emulsifying power which cleans the skin thoroughly. -Egg lecithin is a lubricating, emulsifying substance with cleansing power which stimulates the epidermis thanks to the natural vitamins it contains, E and F. -Also, the jojoba oil presents numerous qualities, in particular adequate control of the evaporation of water from the skin for its normalization and treatment of acne, as well as being an excellent lubricant and conditioner. -Through its combination, this formula allows the formation of a soapy solution perfectly suitable for sensitive, delicate and dry skins. It also respects the lipophilic layer and may be used on greasy skin.-Indications:Very suitable for patients with dry skin, both adults and children, due to the product's hydrating qualities. Very effective in the care of sensitive and irritated skin, such as that of babies. Especially recommended in PEDIATRICS due to the characteristics of the product.Shop Online Unipharma Trietal® Atopic, Ph5 at best price. Product features: - BODY: Atopic
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