Sweater Unisex Core features a roomy, loose fit with a rounded neckline. The cuffs and waist are created out of a ribbed knit as well. An embroidered Originals graphic added to the chest completes it. Rounded ribbed neckline,Long sleeves, ribbed cuffs,Straight hem, ribbed edge,G-Star Originals embroidery at chest A medium weight knitted sweat fabric with a brushed interior, which offers a soft touch. Knitted sweat fabric,Soft interior,55% Cotton, 45% Polyester (Recycled),By buying cotton products from G-Star Raw, you're supporting more sustainable cotton farming through the Better Cotton Initiative. Better Cotton is sourced via a system of Mass Balance. Find out more about our sustainable materials"about our sustainable materials.”,Recycled polyester is produced from post-consumer or post-industrial waste materials such as PET plastic bottles and apparel. Material that would otherwise have been sent to landfill or to incineration. Chocolate Berry
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