Warner Bros The Original
All 13 episodes from the fourth season of the American fantasy TV show. This spin-off from 'The Vampire Diaries' follows the Mikaelson vampire siblings, Klaus (Joseph Morgan), Elijah (Daniel Gillies) and Rebekah (Claire Holt), as they battle to retake control of New Orleans, the city they helped to build. In this season, five years on from the Mikaelson's worst defeat, Marcel (Charles Michael Davis) has become the sole vampire king of the city and holds Klaus captive, while his siblings remain in a state of slumber. When they are revived by Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin), the Mikaelsons race to rescue Klaus but find they also have other ancient threats to face. The episodes are: 'Gather Up the Killers', 'No Quarter', 'Haunter of Ruins', 'Keepers of the House', 'I Hear You Knocking', 'Bag of Cobras', 'High Water and a Devil's Daughter', 'Voodoo in My Blood', 'Queen Death', 'Phantomesque', 'A Spirit Here That Won't Be Broken', 'Voodoo Child' and 'The Feast of All Sinners'.
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