This denim sleeveless jacket is part of our limited edition Y2K collection which features styles from the 00's, taken straight from our archive. This denim piece is designed in a slim fit and offers western inspired chest pockets. The bottom hem is rounded at the front and straight at the back. This sleeveless denim jacket has a shank button closure. Shirt collar,Sleeveless,Curved front, straight back,Flap pockets at the chest- shank button,Shank button closure,G-Star RAW label at the back waist- Yakron Comfortable, versatile stretch denim with an authentic denim character and pure indigo shade which is made with sustainable aniline-free pre reduced indigo technology. Weight 12.5 oz stretch denim,3x1 Right hand twill construction,99% Cotton, 1% LYCRA® Elastane,By buying cotton products from G-Star Raw, you're supporting more sustainable cotton farming through the Better Cotton Initiative. Better Cotton is sourced via a system of Mass Balance. Find out more about our sustainable materials"about our sustainable materials.”,Introduced to market by G-Star RAW in collaboration with Archroma® and Advance Denim®. This aniline-free pre-reduced indigo technology holds a Gold Level Material Health Certificate from the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute. Light Lavender
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