Ycoo N Friends SilverLit Robo Chimpy
Price Tracked On This Product
Highest price was seen £24.99 on 27 May 2023
Lowest price was seen £21.24 on 29 May 2023
Average price is £21.24 base on 2 price changes
Most recent price is £23.99
[[{"meta":"27 May 2023","value":24.99},{"meta":"29 May 2023","value":21.24}]]
Monkey around with the fun loving dancing robot chimpy! Pinch one of his ears and he'll walk, or pinch both ears and watch chimpy go wild with funny noises. Touch chimpys tummy to calm him down and maybe he'll fart! Includes 3 sensors for chimpy to react to your every touch, articular joints for different funny postures and silly sound effects.
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