True Products Expanding Willow Trellis Fence With Artificial Laurel Leaf Plants Garden Wall Screening
Expanding trellis is a versatile and stylish alternative to traditional garden fence options. Easy to install and provides instant screening with no maintenance. 100% natural weather resistant willow trellis and UV protected laurel style leaves, this fence is durable and has many uses making it a must-have accessory for any garden space or balcony.Can be used indoors as wall decoration or for parties and events as well as outdoors for a permanent screen. Leaves are plastic and woven onto a natural willow expanding trellis panel. You can see through this screen to some extent. Willow is a natural product so the colour and size of twigs may vary. This fence is not self supporting and will require posts, wall, fence or similar to attach to.Approximately 10-25mm thick, single sided and can be expanded to 2m x 1m or 0.6m x 2.75m and anything in between to fit different spaces.
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