Clematis Winter Beauty 2 Litre Potted Plant x 1
This vigorous and easy-to-grow evergreen climber is perfect for providing a year-round screen and fast-growing cover for walls, fences or trellis. The lush foliage provides year-round greenery, and during late winter and early spring, you can enjoy its beautiful, lightly fragrant nodding white bell-shaped blooms. This hardy and resilient climber will grow well in most conditions and aspects, but its best suited to a sheltered location and particularly good for planting close to the house where the gorgeous winter flowers can be seen from the window. Pot up clematis plants and grow them on until large enough to plant in their final positions. When planting clematis, choose a position in sun or semi-shade and plant the climber deeply in moist, fertile, well-drained soil. Train clematis plants onto a suitable support such as trellis, wires or a freestanding climbing frame. Feed and water frequently throughout the growing season. This variety of clematis flowers in early spring on the previous year's growth. Pruning should be undertaken in summer, after flowering. When pruning Clematis 'Winter Beauty', remove any damaged or dead stems entirely before cutting back the remaining stems to a pair of healthy buds to maintain the plant within its allotted space. In spring, apply a mulch of well-rotted manure or garden compost to the base of the plant in order to protect the roots and conserve soil moisture. Position: Full Sun/Partial Shade Height: Up to 4m when fully established Spread: Up to 1.2m when fully established Images shown are for guidance only of the expected results from plants upon maturity. Different growing conditions might vary results. Image may be included for illustration of supply but can vary due to seasonality Features: Clematis Winter Beauty is a vigorous winter-flowering outdoor perennial climber, producing beautiful white flowers during winter. Easy to grow your own and fully hardy, perfect for growing outdoors in borders on trellis, arches or pergolas This fast-growing evergreen climber provides year-round cover and screening with lush, dense foliage. Its easy to grow, perfect for low maintenance gardening, and reliable in most soils and conditions - perfect border perennials Highly prolific with elegant white bell-shaped flowers during winter and early spring, perfect for adding early-season interest to the garden. Grow alongside lavender or hydrangea shrubs plants for a colourful display. Excellent gifts for a gardener! Specifications: Model Number: 73323
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